Family History

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year! Resolutions and Coming Attractions.

Last January, I made a New Year's Resolution for 2012.  I would make one Slovenian dinner a week.  And I would write about it.

Now it is a year later.  I succeeded with the cooking part: I prepared fifty weekly dinners. During those two weeks that we were out of town, we managed to enjoy restaurant meals that featured Central European or Balkan foods.

But I have fallen behind with the writing.

So here is my first New Year's Resolution for 2013:  I will spend the next month catching up.  No more new Slovenian meals until I have recorded the old ones!

Here is a preview of the recipes I will be posting:

November Dinners:
Week 43 Potato Bread, Slovenski Meat Loaf
Week 44 Sauerkraut with Potatoes and Smoked Turkey Bits
Week 45 Mineštra II, Minestrone Makeover
Week 46 Meat Polenta II: Polenta Meatball Makeover

December Dinners:
Week 47 Stuffed Cabbage Makeover with Beef-Cauliflower Filling
Week 48 Lentil Soup
Week 49 Chicken Ajmoht II and Latkes
Week 50 Christmas Eve and Christmas Day: Zeljanica, Klobase

These recipes are a mix of old and new.  More than half were attempts to create healthier or more successful versions of dishes I had made earlier in the year.

I have continued to branch out from the three vintage Slovenian American cookbooks that inspired this adventure. But somehow I keep returning to them.

From my kitchen to yours: Happy 2013 and Dober Tek!

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